AzRunner is developed by SAEL srl - Torri di Quartesolo (VI) - Italy. The most popular version of this product among our users is 2.1. The names of program executable files are AzRunner 2.1.28.exe, AzRunner 2.1.32.exe, AzRunner 2.1.34.exe, AzRunner 2.1.37.exe and AzRunner 2.1.51.exe. The product will soon be reviewed by our informers.

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Nicola 5 years ago

This program monitors all data (setting variables and parameters) for Sael inverters. It is a basic software but very comprehensive. It also includes a very fast virtual oscilloscope, capable of storing 1000 sample data triggered by alarm or configurable thresholds. Unfortunately it does not have a "real-time" oscilloscope, but they are working on it...